Recommended: Polygon Asked Me Why Horses are so Hard for Video Games to get Right

Simone de Rochefort, Senior Video Producer at popular gaming website Polygon, is a certified Horse Girl, as we’ve seen before in her fantastic article about Equine History and Assassin’s Creed Horses as well as her contributions to the Horse Girl Canon on Polygon.

Needless to say, I was delighted when she recently asked me to appear in a video about video game horses and why so many games get them wrong.

The video in question has now been released, along with an accompanying article summary. In the video, Simone and I chat about the horses in Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption, Breath of the Wild, Assassin’s Creed 3 and Shadow of the Colossus, along with some more general info on horse locomotion and a shoutout to the upcoming Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch. I love how the video turned out and I highly recommend giving it a watch.